Akdağ Mineral Stonewool

Prefabricated Pipe


Product Features and Usage Areas

Akdağ Mineral Stonewool Prefabricated Pipe is bare or aluminum foil-coated rock wool pipe utilized for sound and vibration insulation in process equipment for the purpose of heat, sound and fire insulation in industrial and installation pipes at high temperatures .

Product Characteristics
Technical Characteristics Symbol Indicator Unit Declared Value Tolerance Standard
Material MW MW - Mineralwool - TS EN 13162
Density / D - ρ kg/m3 80 | 100 ± % 10 TS EN 1602
Lenght / l l l mm 1200 ± 5 mm TS EN 822
Inner Diameter Ø Ø mm 12 | 370 ± % 1,5 TS EN 1822
Thermal Condictivity λD - W/mK max 0,037 - TS EN 12939/12667
Thermal Resistance / Rd RD - m²K/W 0,69 | 0,83 | 0,97 - TS EN 13162
Thickness / d dN dN mm 25 | 30 | 45 - TS EN 823
Class for Thickness Tolerances Tİ - mm 'T4 -%3 or -3 mm *
+%5 or +5mm *
TS EN 823
Dimensional Stability DS(70-) ∆Ɛd % max 1 - TS EN 1604
Water Vapour Permeability / MU MU µ - 1 - TS EN 12086
Fire Reaction Class - RtF - A1 - TS EN 13501
Air Flow Resistance /Afr Afr Afr - NPD - TS EN 29053
Flatness / Smax Smax Smax mm S6 - max 6 mm - TS EN 825
Squareness / Sb Sb Sb mm/m S5 - max 5 mm/m - TS EN 824
Short Term Water Absorption / WS WP WS kg/m² ≤1 - TS EN 1609
Long Term Water Absorption / WL(P) WLP WL(P) kg/m² ≤3 - TS EN 12087
Max. Usage Temperature - - 0C '+750 - -
Packaging Material - - - PE Film - -
Covering - - - Uncoated - Aluminum Foiled - -