Minerra Stonewool

Curtain Wall Board

Giydirme Cephe levhası

Usage areas

Minerra Stonewool curtain wall board can be used behind marble, granite, glass, aliminnum, copozite, etc. It provides heat insulation, sound insulation and fire proff purposses. It produced with black glass tissue, yellow glass tissue and alufoil covered.

Product features

Minerra Stonewool Curtain Wall Board which has either surfaces uncoated or one surface of which is covered with aluminum foil or glass tissue – is a stonewool board used to provide fire safety as well as thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Product Characteristics
Technicial Specifications Symbol Indicator Unit Declared Value Tolerance Standard
Material MW MW - Mineralwool - TS EN 13162
Density / D - ρ kg/m3 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 ± % 10 TS EN 1602
Lenght / l l l mm 1200 ± % 2 TS EN 822
Width / b b b mm 600 ± % 1,5 TS EN 1822
Compress Stress at %10 Deformation CS(10/Y)i σ10 kPa ≥ 25 | ≥ 30 | ≥ 35 - TS EN 826
Thermal Condictivity λD - W/mK max 0,037 - TS EN 12939/12667
Thermal Resistance / Rd RD - m²K/W 0,83 | 1,11 | 1,39 | 1,67 | 1,94 | 2,22 | 2,78 | 3,33 | 3,88 | 4,25 - TS EN 13162
Thickness / d dN dN mm 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 150 - TS EN 823
Class for Thickness Tolerances Tİ - mm 'T4 -%3 or -3 mm *
+%5 or +5mm *
TS EN 823
Dimensional Stability DS(70-) ∆Ɛd % max 1 - TS EN 1604
Water Vapour Permeability / MU MU µ - 1 - TS EN 12086
Fire Reaction Class - RtF - A1 - TS EN 13501
Air Flow Resistance /Afr Afr Afr - NPD - TS EN 29053
Flatness / Smax Smax Smax mm S6 - max 6 mm - TS EN 825
Squareness / Sb Sb Sb mm/m S5 - max 5 mm/m - TS EN 824
Short Term Water Absorption / WS WP WS kg/m² ≤1 - TS EN 1609
Long Term Water Absorption / WL(P) WLP WL(P) kg/m² ≤3 - TS EN 12087
Max. Usage Temperature - - 0C '+750 - -
Packaging Material - - - PE Film - -
Covering - - - Coated / Uncoated - -